The July Stack

A brief digest of July’s reading list includes some consuming reads - for all you thinkers out there - and of course some fun fiction!

  • A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

  • Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking

  • City Of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert

  • Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad

  • Blue Moon by Lee Child

  • The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells

To be honest, this list had my mind blown, especially after delving into the fabulous mind that was Stephen Hawking, while simultaneously feeding my ever growing obsession about space!

Next up, finishing Me and White Supremacy was not just the end of a book, but the beginning of a lifetime of work to really learn and understand what it means to be anti-racist, and more importantly putting this into action! Layla F Saad is an inspiration and the daily journaling that comes with her book encourages you to dig deeper and face your white privilege head on. It’s a huge, confronting step out of the comfort zone but I can only recommend you take the time to embark on your own journey.

See you next month for August’s reading list!


Book Review | City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert